Den originale arabiske kaffen stekt til perfeksjon. Det er sterk karakteristisk og skarp, lys smak, tykk tekstur med subtile antydninger til krydder. ettersmaken er skarp, skarp og behagelig.
Nakhly Coffee Red
Netto vekt. 250g
Ristet malt kaffe
Strekkode: 7290003332007
Antall pakke: 10
Ingredienser: Kaffe. Den finnes med og uten kardemomme
Nakhly Karffe Rød (250g)
The Original Arabic Coffee roasted to perfection. It is strong distinctive and crisp, bright flavor, thick texture with subtle hints of spice. its aftertaste is crisp, sharp and pleasant.
Ensuring high quality and sustainable coffee production, Nakhly coffee partnering with their own coffee plantations, accompanying and supervising the cultivation of coffee trees and picking, preparing and importing them directly to the factory to start the production process.
The original palm coffee with "red bags" has become an icon and national symbol in all homes in the Holy Land, from the Galilee in the north, to he Negev in the south and throughout the Palestinian territories, as well as expatriates in Europe and America are keen to request this brand.
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